Brief info
Mr. Gajendra Upadhyay is a Vedic Pandit. He is a resident of Sambhar Lake, Devyani (pilgrimage), the daughter of Daitya Guru Shukracharya. He has completed his B. Com from “GOVERNMENT SHAKAMBHAR P.G. COLLEGE, SAMBHAR LAKE (JAIPUR)”.
His grandfather Shri Bhahlechandra ji (Bhagchand ji) was a well-known Pandit of Sambhar and a scholar of astrological mathematics. His office was known as "Bhragu-Jyotish Kendra".
The relation of astrology and rituals is related to his family for many years, so he also started learning astrology and rituals.
He also has knowledge all kinds of rituals like marriage ceremony, funeral ceremony, worship, recitation, purification and in astrology, question horoscope, lagna kundli, birth chart etc.
He has been spreading astrological Vedic knowledge with his clients for more than 4 years, and ritualistic rituals for more than 8 years.
Acharya ji believes that by serving cow-mother one gets the blessings of 33 categories of gods and goddesses and by regularly reciting the mantras “Radhe-Radhe” and “Om Namah Bhagwate Vasudevaye”, a new positive energy is transmitted.
Pandit ji says that even if you are unable to take out time for worship, rituals etc., then you should serve your parents diligently, just by bowing at their feet, all your troubles go away.